
We have the right tools to manage your finances online. They enable the authorized people in the company to have 24/7 access to the company’s financial data from anywhere in the world – all you need is connection to the Internet.

This service grants access to:

  • various analyses (e.g. analyses of revenue, costs, inventory levels),
  • reports (e.g. on receivables, payroll and personnel administration, accounting),
  • the archive (browsing the archive and filing requests to deliver chosen documents).

By means of online access, the authorized people will find in one place all the important information that is required to manage a company more efficiently and – importantly – to save time. Apart from the standard automatic compilations it will also be possible to generate customized reports and analyses. Using the Client Panel, you can express a wish to receive a given compilation, which will then be prepared by our specialist and sent by email or made accessible through the online panel.

Moreover, we provide a number of additional services to meet our clients’ non-standard requirements and expectations.

Please contact us for more details.